Thursday, April 28, 2011

Eating the Arugula

  We were lucky and got our cilantro, arugula, peas and lettuces planted weeks ago.
We are eating the leafy greens daily.
 I love the nutty flavor of arugula- and I tend to just pick it and eat it when I'm walking past. A very generous leafy green- it bolts in warm weather- I'm trying to be ok with the cold!!!

A perennial leafy green that I often suggest to gardeners is the Rumex or Bloody dock -just cut the flowers off-it will seed. This plant is very pretty, adds depth to wild greens salad, can be stir fried...use like chard.

Our peas are slower. BRRRR....I will be sowing a new crop soon to prolong the harvest.
Here in our climate we can plant peas until mid-June for long season harvests. My personal favorite's are the snow pea, but we all love peas!

If you haven't planted onions or garlic, do so now. For the garlic- I suggest starts at this point.

The soil conditions and the fertilizers are 90% of the success for high yield gardens. If you are starting  your garden this year (or last) with new soil- you are ahead of the game.
However, don't forget to amend the soil AGAIN.
Every time you plant, I strongly suggest you add homemade compost, worm castings, organic fertilizer
or water with compost tea- you will be amazed at the difference.

It is way too cold to even set out any tomato plants! If you've bought them somewhere, keep them indoors until the soil temps are at least 55-60 degrees.

1 comment:

  1. Not a fan of iceberg and the usual greens, I love the more unusual like arugla, red oak leaf etc. Yum, snow peas. I miss my garden and pots just don't do it for me in the same way. So I settle for a few flowers and count on the farmers market.

